New name: KAIROS - Control Room Assistant
The new name for AlarmTracker is Kairos!
Finally, we have decided on the new name for the product previously known as AlarmTracker.

Kairos is an Ancient Greek word meaning the right, critical, or opportune moment. (Kairos also means weather in Modern Greek.) It’s the difference between a minute (kronos) and a moment (kairos). Kairos is the idea of timing which relates an event or a state to a situational context.
Our development project was given the name AlarmTracker based on our initial idea of tracking the root cause of alarms. This has often been misunderstood as being yet another alarm management tool.
KAIROS offers so much more. The technology embedded in our KAIROS products combines deter-ministic modelling with deviation propagation analysis and artificial intelligence. The model utilises human experience along with the plant design parameters, and effectively captures and makes explicit and tacit knowledge available.
With live plant data as evidence, the model presents a real time HAZOP to the control room operators for better decision-making, which reduces losses and avoids shut- downs.
The result is an increased production output by 5%, with reduced flaring and increased safety.
- Cause
- Consequence
- Counteraction