This week, the 16th and 17th of October, Eldor was the host of a conference on Human Factors in Control, in association with Sintef, at our offices in Stavanger. The theme of the conference was "Methods and models for successful digitalisation."
Garrick Jones - Digital humans and their organizations
There was an abundance of great speakers, and a lot of interesting and new information. The conference also consisted of a tour to the Martin Linge Operation Centre in order to see the design and operation of the central control room.
Want to read more about what Eldor has been doing in the Martin Linge project? Click below:
Many companies were represented, including ABB, BW GAS AS, Bærekraftig Arbeidsmiljø, Cognite, DnV GL, Eldor, Equinor, Halogen, Human Centred Design, HFN, IFE, Idletechs, IRIS/NORCE, Kongsberg Maritime, Kystverket, Lloyds Register, The Ludic Group, Lund, Nice industridesign, NTNU, Petroleum Safety Authority, Proactima, Safetec Nordic, SINTEF, Siemens, Sjøfartsdirektoratet, UiS, and USN.
We want to thank all the speakers, as well as everyone who attended, for making this an interesting conference with a lot of new information and learning! Thank you Sintef, for the opportunity to host this conference!