How can we keep the plant running while upgrading control systems?
Explore strategies for continuous operation while completing system upgrades in industrial assets.
Explore strategies for continuous operation while completing system upgrades in industrial assets.
Learn how to identify and mitigate risks associated with aging systems to safeguard ensure cyber security of your asset.
Learn about the risks of running older systems and the benefits of staying proactive in system updates for enhanced productivity and cybersecurity.
Learn how advanced technologies can optimise processes and minimise environmental impact, by upgrading control systems.
Without proper maintenance alarm systems can deteriorate and become less effective. A healthy alarm system is needed to avoid escalation of hazards.
Alarm optimisation projects can often become large and complex, leading to significant costs and long implementation times.
With increased cybersecurity threats on industrial control systems, training the offshore and onshore team is more important than ever.
There are always laws and regulations that we have to follow when designing a new control centre. But what are the other human factors we need to...
When upgrading your legacy system, don't underestimate the importance of upgrading the user interface of the control system, use it as an opportunity.
It's difficult to put a price-tag on safety in the control room, but it is possible to estimate the cost of escalated situations resulting form human...