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Can Control System Upgrades reduce emissions in old assets?

Written by Ola Guldbrandsen | 29.mai.2024 07:23:17

In the ever-evolving landscape of industrial operations, the need to address environmental concerns has become more pressing than ever. Old assets, with their outdated control systems, often contribute significantly to emissions, posing a challenge for industries aiming to meet sustainability goals. However, there's a beacon of hope, i.e. control system upgrades. A control system upgrade can breathe new life into old assets, reducing emissions and paving the way for a greener future.



What is the challenge?

Older industrial assets, equipped with outdated control systems, are notorious for their inefficiency and environmental impact. These systems, designed in a different era with less emphasis on sustainability, struggle to meet today's stringent emission standards. As industries face increasing pressure to reduce their carbon footprint, finding solutions for these aging assets becomes vital.


A control system upgrade involves replacing, or enhancing, the existing control infrastructure with advanced technologies. This not only improves the overall efficiency and reliability of the system, but can also have a profound impact on emissions.


How does it impact emissions?

Enhanced Process Optimisation:

Older control systems often lack the advanced algorithms and real-time analytics capabilities found in modern counterparts. Upgrading to a state-of-the-art control system allows for better process optimisation, ensuring that operations run at peak efficiency. This optimisation can lead to reduced energy consumption and subsequently lower emissions.


Integration of Smart Sensors:

The integration of smart sensors is a key component of control system upgrades. These sensors provide real-time data on various parameters, allowing for precise monitoring and control. By leveraging this data, industries can fine-tune their processes, minimising waste and emissions.


Adaptive Control Strategies:

New control systems come equipped with adaptive control strategies that can dynamically adjust to changing conditions. This adaptability ensures that the system operates optimally under different scenarios, further reducing unnecessary emissions

 For example, the control system can intelligently adjust combustion parameters to achieve optimal fuel efficiency and combustion completeness.


Compliance with Environmental Regulations:

Upgrading control systems enables industries to comply with evolving environmental regulations. As emission standards become more stringent, having a control system that meets or exceeds these requirements becomes crucial. This not only helps avoid regulatory fines but also positions the industry as a responsible environmental steward.


The Green Transformation of an Old Power Plant

 Consider a case where an aging power plant, reliant on outdated control systems, undergoes a comprehensive upgrade. The incorporation of advanced control technologies, such as model predictive control and machine learning algorithms, results in a remarkable reduction in emissions.


The smart sensors installed during the upgrade provide real-time insights, allowing operators to make data-driven decisions for optimal performance. The plant's efficiency improves, leading to decreased fuel consumption and, consequently, lower greenhouse gas emissions.


Challenges and Considerations

While control system upgrades offer promising solutions, they are not without challenges. The initial investment required for the upgrade may be significant, and industries must be carefully weighed up against the costs of the long-term environmental and operational benefits.


In other words, it’s not the cost of doing it, it’s the cost of not doing it. Initial investment for long term sustainability and success. Additionally, the integration process should be carefully planned to minimise downtime and ensure a smooth transition.



In the quest for sustainability, control system upgrades emerge as a powerful tool to transform old assets into eco-friendly contributors. By embracing advanced technologies, industries cannot only improve the efficiency and reliability of their operations but also significantly reduce emissions. The path to a greener future lies within the proactive adoption of control system upgrades, marking a crucial step towards aligning industrial practices with environmental consciousness.